[Auction] Beacon Block

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DarkRanic, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. 13 hours left * :eek:
  2. I am going to have to withdraw my bid. I apologize, I have spent too many rupees on other things
  3. Kirby you can't do that. Doing so would blacklist you from auctions.
  4. Urg. I'll just resell then. I won.
  5. Darkranic, if you don't mind, please set up a room on your res with a door that only I have access to, and inside the room a buy chest with the beacon inside. Since I'm never on when you are, this is the only safe solution.
  6. I made a room on my res 18464 (smp9) the teleporter is just left of the spawn.
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