[Auction] 54 Diamond Enchanted Picks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Gap542, Sep 17, 2012.

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  1. That moment when you are so excited that you're going to win in 1 hour, and then you realize that the auction is actually 48 hours after last bid...and you die a little inside
    IamSaj likes this.
  2. Bed time bump.

    Talukegord winning with 20k.This is worth more...

    Why you people aren't bidding?! You can sell these for like 1k each..
  3. It's probably because most people joining EMC nowadays never visit the forums... I've seen a decline in thread/forum activity ever since summer ended..... probably that.
    Gap542 likes this.
  4. Nooooooo 48 hours is way too long :p
  5. Chaaralis winning with 22k..
  6. This is worth more! a bump from a dutchmen!
  7. Y U NOBID? then..
  8. I might stop doing auctions if this doesn't get atleast 30k..
  9. the reason im not still bidding is because of the 48 hour thing
  10. Oh, okay. I'm fine with that :p
  11. who wants a curveball?
    and dont think that im trying to get this at a high cost! cause im not. im friggin poor.
    too many shovels....
    too many.
  12. I'm half tempted to just let you have it Bobert, but I'm not that mean... 25k.
  13. ill take that 25 k and raise you 25.5k!
    *crowd gasps* thats right ladies and gents! I bid DOUBLE the minimum bid upping-ing. ING!!!!
  14. I'm pretty sure he's not bidding because of the 48 Hour hour wait period... not because he's poor... :p
  15. 25.75k then...
  16. ooooo Chaaralis will win this if you give up!
  17. ey. dont doubt my williness to give every single penny and harass my account balance into giving me my daily allowance.
    and selling off everything i own.
    including lots.
    and my account.
    and my computer.
    house maybe?
    SO. it has come to this.
    down to the last pennies, scrounging in the dark of my virtual couch to find those last ruppees...
    Dwight5273 and IamSaj like this.
  18. oooo Robert is winning 30k.. You giving up?
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