[AUCTION] 5 Promos + Iron support voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ToastFTW, May 2, 2017.


Is this a good auction?

yes 8 vote(s) 80.0%
no 2 vote(s) 20.0%
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  1. To bump, or not to bump? That is the question!
  2. ......

  3. So, Like I care? :) You all can have this =]
  4. Woah, I'm real sry will, I didn't mean to upset any1.....
  5. Bumpity Bump
  6. Evening Bump
  7. Bumper Cars
  8. Bumpyness
  9. Bumpeth this auction
  10. So.... I think you won
    I will be mailing the items next time I log on... plz pay
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  11. Yup, I did. :D I'll send payment hopefully this evening. :)
  12. Well, I will be sending the items now
  13. Just wondering when i'll be paid....
  14. About 5 seconds ago. I was really busy yesterday, so I wasn't sure if I could get online, and therefore put hopefully in my post. Turned out I indeed couldn't come online. Now I had less time to little, so I hopped on to pay you. :)

    So, I've now sent payment, and received the items. Thanks! :)
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