[AUCTION] 3x Silk Touch Iron Pick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Jay2a, Aug 7, 2012.

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  1. Im sorry, you have to wait longer. I know its annoying to wait that long to win but you just have to be patient.
  2. MVPdrose, you only have 1 hour and then youve won thw auction.
  3. 1.6k
    IamSaj likes this.
  4. lol i was just about to bid so he would have to wait longer because because i needed them.
  5. Im sorry Kobe48446, but you put a bid on this 2 minutes too late.
  6. The winner is: MVPdrose!
  7. Well, congratulations MVPdrose! Just say when you are ready to claim your stuff.
  8. jay what server r u on??
  9. when you are ready to claim your stuff :)
  10. Im not on a server, but Ill log on to smp1 right now. Just go to 2422 to claim your prize.
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