[AUCTION] 32 DC of CaveSpider Heads (27 x 64 pieces = 1728 pieces)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MaeseDerGrosse, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. Witherrrrrr yeess

    Gordan_the_Gourd likes this.
  2. Has anyone told you that you're very annoying in auctions?
  3. Good!
  4. A big Hip Hip Hooray for all bidders! Thanks...

  5. Let's be serious... 70k
  6. Never.
    Zomberina likes this.
  7. 75401. .........
  8. :rolleyes: Ooooh.....

  9. We got a winner!

    A big congratulation to Zomberina!

    The unlock-sign will be placed in the next few minutes!

    Thank you!
  10. Paid and picked up. :) Ty ty
  11. Oh no I forgot to hit post D: well congrats Zomb and Maese, let me know when you get more
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