[AUCTION] 2 DC's of Podzol

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by D_ceased, Jun 18, 2017.

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  1. Bump! Less than 24h to make your vote!
  2. Bump... auction ends tomorrow at 11:01am EMC time if no one else bids!
  3. Surprise, surprise! SoundlessVoice wins the auction with a bid of 18,500 Rupees!
    Once you pay me, I'll set the chests up c:
  4. Payment received and chests were set up!

    Since I have received payment from your alt, I have set up access chests for both you and your alt for convenience. Access the 2 DC's of Podzol from whatever accounts you wish. :)

    Auction has ended, and thread can be locked.
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