auction 1r flaming mob launcher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by SAUSAGE_SAVIOUR, May 22, 2013.

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  1. you are not allowed to put a maximum increment on an auction
  2. This is the highest valid bid.
    You can out a max bid on auctions.
    Choongjae likes this.
  3. Yes you are. Jack was the first to do it, and everything Jack does is right.
    colesta1200 and ScarTheNinja like this.
  4. Thanks for helping with this :)
  5. in·cre·ment



    1. An increase or addition, esp. one of a series on a fixed scale: "pay can escalate in five-cent increments".
  6. and if all those bids were invalid 601r
  7. Uh.. Andrew? Can you switch that post to a more visble color?

  8. A wild COMPETITOR appeared! Choongjae used bid!

    Bid 2400!
  9. Ninjad.

    ( I expect people saying invalid bid now. >.> )
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