[Auction] 16 DC solid Concrete all colors !

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by RandomZh, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. *last bump* Imagine all the work for getting 16DC materials and colors, then placing the 16DC powder and mine again 16DC concrete. :D
  2. AyanamiKun wins. Please prepare 16 DC with access signs for delivery...
  3. yaay! thx, this is going to be really useful!

    don't u want payment too? ^.^

    pls go to /v ayanamikun or /v +rei on SMP4, turn around and u can see the chests on my other res. u should have full access to them. I plan to get online in an hour or so, when im online I'll immediately pay u!
    Tuqueque likes this.