Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 27, 2013.

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  1. Did it even go on the front page? I managed to miss it if so :p
  2. I was :p I was looking for a lord of the rings one but couldn't find one, and I thought that one fit well.
  3. Well, the kid is kinda right, he was begging for attention and look at all the attention here.

    What I'm guessing he is skipping completely is that all the attention is actually focused in ICC and the "fact" of the ban, not on the lil troll who got banned and whose name will never be remembered.

    Isn't that sad? It's so sad I don't even think there's a meme for it... Ah yeah, it just reminds me of the poor Viserys trying to take over his lost kingdom and his last moments right before he gets his gold crown.

    Enjoy your gold crown, king of fake auctions.
  4. So THATS why he was bidding 75k on stuff... >.<
  5. ... memegenerator.net?

  6. And just because I love this one and couldn't help myself
  7. Forum of shame ~dun dun duuuuuuuuu~
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