As you guys can see

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. RIP The United States 1776-2016

  2. ^ Currently the picture for me and my friend's group chat on Skype
    DufnePoodle likes this.
  3. So if the West coast in the USA got nuked, would it set off an earthquake that would affect you in Vancouver? Maybe I'll buy land just East of Hope and if that happens I'll have water front property.
  4. Well if you're anywhere slightly east of Vancouver, you're still going to get hit, assuming Tsar Bomba (Worst case scenario of 100 Megatons). That means that Hope is in the 15 Rads/hour zone, which could cause some minor problems (probably not many though). Some places within the 100 Rads/hour zone (enough to cause Acute Radiation Syndrome within a day, probably) you might recognize include Pentiction, Kelowna, a small part of Yoho National Park (seriously), and Princeton. Earthquake probably wouldn't do anything, according to the source, earthquakes are only really a problem within a few tens of kilometers of the blast.

    I do my research :p

    Permalink to Nukemap of 100Mt Tsar Bomba detonated on Seattle

    Wikipedia source for radiation

    Wikipedia source for earthquakes related to nuclear explosions
  5. Thank you for my new avatar.
  6. Wow, way to take what I said and blow it way out of proportion. I said wars are pathetic, not the soldiers.

    Humour is how people get through things. War is no exception.

    My joke wasn't even that 'bad' lmao
    607 likes this.
  7. Beautiful, my 2 minute photoshop job where I spent the most time trying to get the colour right for the text is now an avatar. :p
    DufnePoodle likes this.
  8. Russia just unveiled the new Satan II. One missile with this warhead would totally destroy all of Britain or all of France or all of Texas. They travel low and would not be identified in time to retaliate. Russia is lining them up on the border with Europe. No joke.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  9. Well shit, time to adjust for that
    Be back in a second with some edits

    EDIT: I'm back and uh, the Nukemap can't calculate more than 100Mt accurately. Hm.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  10. I will never understand why we continue to make these things. We already have enough things to kill people with, why do we need more and feel the need to make them more destructive? It's pathetic. I really do hope I live long enough to universal disarmament of nukes...
    fluffinator09, 607 and God_Of_Gods like this.