Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ArkWarrior1, Dec 26, 2013.


Will You Consider Ordering?

Yes 62 vote(s) 88.6%
No 8 vote(s) 11.4%
  1. IGN: Olaf_C
    Blocks: Paper
    Amount: 23.5 DC's
    Price/final price: 10000r
    I will pick it up.
  2. Val, I am giving you two more days to come pick up the cane and brick on my res. If you don't, I will pay you back and claim your order as void.
  3. Sorry for the delay! Your Order is finally crafted and ready for pickup. Thank you for choosing Ark's Supply Co. and be sure to leave a rating!
  4. In Game Name: Drowpassed
    Block(s): Stone
    Quantity: 18 Doublechests
    Price: 28,160r
    Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
    Res # and server if Delivery: 303 SMP 1
    Final Price: 28,160, does delivery cost extra?
  5. No charge. If people do pay me extra for it, it is their own doing.
  6. alright cool then thats my order :)
  7. ok, but just know that you have a giant order before yours, allengero's 20 DCs of logs, so I have to get that done before yours.
  8. just let me know when its ready! :)
  9. In Game Name:
    Block(s): 20 DC of paper
    Pickup or Delivery?: Delivery
    Res # and server if Delivery: 3339 smp2
    Final Price: 8500r

  10. In Game Name:Jay25000 or prkerman
    Block(s): Obsidian
    Quantity: SC
    Pickup or Delivery? Pickup
    Res # if Delivery:
    Final Price:17280
  11. IGN: RebelSpartan0826
    Quantity: Single Chest
    Price: 17280
    Pickup or Delivery: Delivery
    Res # if Delivery: 16830
    Payment will be made when chest is full at 16830's spawn.
  12. Forgot the item
  13. i am gonna go with obsidian
    Pab10S likes this.
  14. You would be correct
  15. just checking in to make sure you haven't forgotten my order?
  16. i haven't forgotten any order. I hope to have the Log order done by tonight and then start on your order as soon as that one is over.
  17. added saplings!
  18. op changed a little in the wood section!
  19. Your Order is Done! Pickup is at 5276 on utopia and payment needs to be made. Thank You for choosing ASC for your wood ordering and be sure to leave a rating!
    allengero likes this.
  20. i am having trouble finding the chests...