Ark's Potion Supply

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ArkWarrior1, Jan 9, 2016.


Are my prices fair?

Yes 31 vote(s) 86.1%
No (please pm me with what you think they should be) 5 vote(s) 13.9%
  1. I'm definitely going to place an order, but I can't seem to find Regeneration on the form. Is that still offered?
  2. It's not on the form, I just added it in the boxes after.
  3. Oops, I will add those now. If you could please place another order for water breathing potions, that would be great
  4. Sorry for my sloppy form work. Going to add them now :)
  5. Sorry about that. Water Breathing was added to the OP and Regeneration has been added to the form.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  6. Just placed an order. hope to see your post up for more time.. i will just bookmark you! ;)

    I hope my order doesn't scare you :p if you cant do it just let me know :p
  7. I haven't even looked yet and your already scaring me :p
  8. ok, just know that that might take a little longer and I have orders to complete before yours
  9. okay :p just let me know when it's ready :)
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  10. Just ordered my first of many orders! :D Thanks a ton!
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  11. Please bear with me guys, my teachers are piling on the homework and it is taking a toll on my time to play. Believe me, I would be on right now is I could.
    DatFoxMan likes this.
  12. I understand, finals are here and I get little time on my computer
  13. I am not even close to finals, but teachers are deciding that they should give us homework in almost every class.
  14. Finally back open! Bump!
  15. I have 2 brewers ready to brew! Order away!
  16. I have ordered a DC of for resistance potions! Lol
  17. i believe that glowstone and redstone will not work because they will cancel out each other. and fire resistance can only be buffed with redstone
  18. Doooos it then lol I'm not potion brewer so idk. Hahaha 1400r, correct?
  19. yep :)