Are we allowed to link to old Minecraft accounts?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by thistle_bristled, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. I was fairly active here around 2017, then had the ill fortune of getting a job. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to this Minecraft account. I can't find any rules on this, so I'm asking here: is it possible to link this forum account with a different Minecraft name? I realize all my in-game stuff is probably long-ago nuked, but having my forums history and my account rupees/tokens would make starting over much easier.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    ultipig likes this.
  2. There may be a way since it seems you have this forum login, however I’m not sure what extra procedures would staff need if they consider your request. Try sending a pm to with evidence and surrounding details and they’ll guide you on next steps if it is possible
    Raaynn and ultipig like this.