Are wasteland resources stats available?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by farmerguyson, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. Is it possible for staff/devs to determine and announce how much of a resource is still available just before resetting the waste and waste end?

    Blockhead and I have spent quite a bit of time harvesting resources from the waste and the end and I'm curious how thorough of a job we did. It would be a fun stat to report and might get those stat loving players interested in resource/exploring activities.

    I wouldn't want a quantity of all resources, just fun ones. Like, elytra remaining, ocean monuments not raided (based on number of sponges remaining), heart of the sea, ancient cities not raided, percentage of map revealed, etc.

    It might strike up a little competitive resource gathering between the smps.

    Spoiler alert, smp3 has the most resources gathered this time. 🙂
    TECtock and We3_MPO like this.
  2. I don't have a way to determine those stats in any reasonable way
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. Random idea.

    each server gets a sand counter which increases everytime someone mines sand in the waste
    it resets with world reset


    bragging rights for mining the most sand
    ultipig likes this.
  4. snad
    Tuqueque likes this.