Sorry guys, this thread slipped through my attention when i wasnt looking. There is an unofficial 1.1 version of improved chat available for download, but i dont find it very stable at the moment, and it doesnt support copy/paste Spoutcraft is the next best thing to use though, and it gives you most of the options mentioned in the first post. Also, optifine is now available for 1.1 (as of about a week ago i think) and it supports some advanced graphics options like changing menu/chat/text size.
spoutcraft works fine with me on openSUSE 12.1, I'm using the default JVM which is.... OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.4) (suse-1.2-x86_64) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
Incorrect... We staff managed that first, but being that we are listed as Moderator/Administrator we do not get the XenoForo nicknames... Same for Supporters.
You will however be the first Member (and non-supporter at that) to get it though. Congrats for that.
Only staff. No non-staff has Well-Known status. (MR2R2M is basically there though.) *EDIT* Never mind. He has 254 likes, MR2R2M is the first non-staff Well-Known. But you'll never see it.