Well I've been practicing some face techniques I learned from studying the facial expressions of choice cartoon characters. I'll be sure to update you with something far more improved over that last status update. But don't expect anything too complicated, especially when it comes to clothing. I stink at drawing clothing. Nevertheless, I'll return to this thread tomorrow with... something.
http://empireminecraft.com/threads/...va-lang-nullpointerexception.4009/#post-56357 Nothing to do? Come back to EMC!
Okay, I'm getting rid of all posts that do not pertain to the subject at hand (That is the art) Nobody cares about blue screens, get over it. As for my art piece, I'll upload it later tonight once I've come home from work.
Sorry I haven't posted mine yet, but my mom's boyfriend wanted to use the computer I used to scan for his band recordings, now I have to figure out how to get my EPSON NX420 connected to my 86-bit XP5 Dell Laptop.