[AMA] Ask The Great O Wise Potato Questions

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Smooshed_Potato, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Ask Potato Questions!
    I am nearing 1k (in a while but still) and I want the EMC community to ask me stuff! (long as it isn't too personal)

    Now, just back-story! I started in 2015 looking for a sky block server! I clicked on the sky block link, but must have made a mistake because when I typed the IP in, I was sent to the AMAZING community of EMC! (like usual... potato made a big mistake :rolleyes: at least it was a good mistake)

    The questions are limitless! Ask away! Of course, if it is within certain perimeters I will not answer... But ask away!
  2. Oh mighty potato what is your favorite event or favorite promo on EMC?
    And happy almost 1k days
    Smooshed_Potato and FadedMartian like this.
  3. How many potatoes were in your patch when you left it for EMC?
    Smooshed_Potato and FadedMartian like this.
  4. Are you a potato from Hot Potato?
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  5. Loving it!

    It is whacky and fun posts like these which help make the Empire, loving it. 1k you say (hey, it rhymes!). 1k rupees can't be enough for an event (I know I know: probably 2015 - 2018 = 3 = 3 * 362 = 1086 so totally 1k) :D sorry, sorry,sorry, I am having fun here.

    questions, questions... oh dear..

    What is the difference between a diamond smooshed potatoe (on the Empire!) and a quartz squashed one? And would be capable to notice the difference in tasting said potatoe?

    Now, you may think it's all fun and all. In a way it is , but ...

    Question: do you know who I am referring to when I talk about Frederick the Great? Does "Potsdam" mean anything to you?
  6. I like Firefloor and the Potato Plate the best :D
    Ok... lemme see... I left after Mattie, then there were only 753 potatoes in the patch when I headed off on my adventure!
    I am a very hot potato if you know what I mean ;)
    Hmm... Ok so a diamond Smooshed_Potato is very shiny and pristine while a quartz Squashed_Potato is a very average EMCer. Overall the Smooshed_potato of the diamond breed is the best of all the potatoes of whom are smooshed, squashed, flattened, ect.

    Answer (maybe): I think you mean the King of Prussia who ruled from 1712 - 1786, but just a guess

    And Potsdam.... Well online says it is the capital of Brandenburg... But I say it is a fun little word to use in sentences!
    I love the potsdam food you made today! Your dress looks very potsdam!
  7. Shell approves :)

    Loving this!
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  8. How did you become a potato? Were you born that way, or did you mutate from a carrot, or did you just feel like becomming one and thefefore you just became one?

    Also GG on (almost) 1000 days :D
    I wouldn't dare eating such an overdated potato anymore, so I guess you are safe here now :) (at least, safe feom me. I can't speak for everyone of course :p)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  9. Did the potato fly around the room?
  10. I always eat potatoes when I go out into the waste, can I eat you?
  11. Lol! Easy! I just felt the urge to transform. You see, I was once the O' Mighty King of Dragons, then I died and reincarnated into a butterfly, then a snake, the a rock, the I was all like "Screw being a rock" and I changed into a tastier rock aka Potato!
    Potatoes need wings to fly :p
    Well... technically no. I eat potatoes in the waste/wild too! Only those and cakes sooooo.... um I mean... no Officer q1zx. I did not kill thousands of potatoes and bake them. Do you see any bodies? Well yeah I guess you can try eating me but I have a white belt in karate from when I was 6 so you probably don't wanna mess w/ me :cool:.
    q1zx and haastregt like this.
  12. Why you ain't in smp8?
  13. Why, in your signature, is there a random guy holding you?
  14. Well, you see APPARENTLY I wasn't "weird" enough for the bouncer so I was sent to smp3 :p
    I am possessing him. A potato chooses a host at age 1 minute :D
    Sydney4363 and Tuqueque like this.
  15. O' great tater! What be ye opinion on tater tots? Be they better than french fries, or do they falter in comparison?
  16. Depends... I like Taters and Fries, but i HATE dry fries.
    Ritunn likes this.
  17. Oh lord and saviour Pugtato, why the hell aren’t you a french bulldog-tato?
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  18. Um... I have no reason to be :p