{AMA} Ask the Chocolate!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dr_Chocolate, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. I think you mentioned somewhere that you were from Pakistan and had moved to the US. Did you move for school? Where do you plan to practice your profession? Can you tell us about your experiences both in Pakistan and here?
  2. What is your favorite type of chocolate?
    White, milk, dark, etc.
  3. My family is from Pakistan. I'm the first non-Pakistani born in my family. I was born in the New York, US. I plan to practice my profession here. I've been to Pakistan quite a few times and honestly I love it there. The people are friendly and it's just a nice time to spend time with family I don't see very often.

    1. Milk
    2. Dark
    3. White
    Pab10S and Sachrock like this.
  4. Do you think turtles are interesting... to touch???
  5. My niece dated an attorney from the firm that defended BP. And for fun they booked a very expensive hotel and everyone had giant bathtubs full of chocolate to get in. Does that sound like fun to you or just decadent and wasteful?
  6. Yes. You have to gently caress the shell and then move up its neck and pet it's head with the inside of your palm.

    Weird but all right. Chocolate is meant to be enjoyed and if that's how they enjoy it, good for them.
    Sachrock likes this.
  7. What is your favorite color of the alphabet?
    TotoStyle likes this.
  8. 14
    TotoStyle likes this.
  9. Why are you such a scrub dud
  10. Who do you want to win the presidential election?


    Why are you so damn good at PvP? :p
  11. Dunno. Teach me how to rid my scrubbiness.
    Bernie Sanders.

    I'm pretty bad at PvP, lol.