AMA: 500 DAYS!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by HanaY, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Nothing yet...
  2. eny # plz

    What made you interested in EMC?
  3. I'll take 12, and congratz on 500 days!
  4. 13 because 12 was taken...
    or 20
    Still...happy 500th day on emc!
  5. It's almost my 500 days too. :)

  6. Nice princebee! Its good to see that there are still players from all the way back!
  7. Ewwww..... #"nice face" btw are you born on the 13th of May and is your password similar to your username? Just curious
  8. umm... idk...
  9. O.K. guys, i'm changing the giveaway. I'll choose someone who posted on this thread (Not Myself)
  10. Prince Bee, once you say something like that no one wants to be in the giveaway because it would be biased.
    Stick to the original.
  11. Why did you change your mind?
  12. :rolleyes: No. Just... No. Do you really think i'd do that?!?
  13. It's a hassle putting everyone in the list. (Yes, i'm slightly lazy :p)
  14. hmm...
    607 likes this.
  15. i realised before i commented saying only congrats i think i may have missed the ama part so
    Do you like bacon?
  16. BAAAACCOOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! yummy :p
  17. How do you make mods? Congrats on 500 days man! It went fast, didn't it?