Advanced Iron Farm Designs

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by BushySpecialK, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. I have not tried the staggering idea yet. I was hoping to find someone who had before I had to build it myself. However, my fear would be reaching the Entcount before the cell limit would be reached.

    Any idea on the absolute maximum distance a player can trigger IG spawns? Using that, I could do math-n-stuff and design a pretty decent staggered farm to test.
  2. The nice thing is the entc is only within 64 blocks of you. You don't need to be within 64 to load w golem (at least not above you).
  3. Any ideas on how far away from a village I can AFK while still triggering spawns?
  4. Well.. Peaceful animals spawn up to view distance. 80-100blocks to your n/s/e/w and 0-max height. I think Golems should too, I think the 36 might work if you just road a cart around them once to load the villages then went afk. I've had to walk away and back to reset a village before.
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