Adding a Christmas Aspect to your skin!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by MemeLad, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Yeah, I would appreciate that lol
  2. for yours, I am putting the hat on like its on top of your other hat, similar to what I did with Aikar's, just thought I'd let you know
  3. Can I have blue one ?, pleaseeee :D
    Edit: Thanks for my skin :)
  4. Could I have a dark blue santa hat? I'd like the wool thing on the end to be white hanging from the back. Make it match my skin please by making no shade on the skin.
    NOTE-I am not very happy about my current santa hat, so I'd like a different one. :p
    PM me when done so I can get da' skin!
  5. Maybe some christmas booties for my skin since i can't really do a hat? :p
  6. Ok That I CAN do. May add other stuff, i dunno
  7. Alright cool dude, work yo magic
  8. Can I have a red santa hat please?
  9. Sure thanks :)
  10. Could I have a hat?
  11. what color
  12. Let's go