A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. I copied the percentages with it.. I have 413 total dragons, which is 100% of my dragons.. 400 of them are named which is 96.85% of my total dragons. I will never have 100% totally named though because I have a leetle tree, which is considered a frozen egg. Eggs can't be named.. >,<
  2. Can anyone get me an ember in a few days? I am trying to get a few to breed then give them out, may try to get some PBs
  3. I clamedz it :p
  4. Holy... It was a Pure Bred White Dragon Egg....
  5. (_ _ ' ) I'm disappointed...in myself :p
  6. I can neither confirm or deny the existence of another egg hidden somewhere in this thread.. <,<
  7. I've always been bad a Easter egg hunts. Can someone just give me an egg?
  8. Check your inbox.

    Creeper655 likes this.
  9. I need a magma, ice, and thunder. Will trade.

  10. What is this dragon, and is it rare?
  11. I think that's a swallow-tail. Check the which egg is which wiki. No, it isn't rare.

    Edit: sweet! Alt vine!
  12. If my dragoncave wiki search is correct... That is an ultraviolet dragon, classified as an uncommon dragon.
  13. That is a vine you gave me xD
  14. Anyone wanna send me some dragons? Just click that little one down in the corner so I won't be egg locked anymore...
  15. Swallowtail
  16. I need names for a:
    gold dragon
    vine dragon
    and a red dragon please.

    (500r to someone who gives me 3 good names first)
  17. Gold, vine and red, xD jks
    Um....idk lol
  18. Hmm..your making me think that there's a secret in your message...meh..