A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. We could always bump it.
  2. The christmas dragon? I will try to breed you one but I don't think they are breedable anymore...
  3. The thread is old enough to where if it were to get bumped, the bumpers might get in trouble for bumping an old thread..
  4. They havent bred on either of my 2 pairs, will try again when possible, sorry :(
  5. Just found this one...
    Is it rare?
  6. Wrapping Wings will not breed again until 7 days before Christmas.. :(
  7. Thought not...
  8. That one looks so cool....
    Want to do a trade creeper? I just got a cool looking new one, not sure why someone would abandon it. It looks like it is a special valentines day one.
  9. What dragon is it?
  10. Is not rare... Found that out. It's a daydream dragon. I also just got a white dragon,
  11. No problem...just let me know when your not egg locked.
    Creeper655 likes this.
  12. Kk. Tri horn and magi coming up, each with a gift of a vine.
  13. I'm just going to keep refreshing the page now.
    EDIT- Dang it, too many eggs...
  14. I usually look in the AP for some eggs, can you post some pics of good ones that I could be looking for please? I know a few uncommon/rare ones but Im not to good
  15. Nor am I, I only know vamps and cheeses
  16. Yeah I know vamps, cheeses, dinos, chickens and stripes, thats about it