A psychological experiment

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by warlockmii, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. There is hate for everything in the world. Its not the fault of said players for being angry with the Muslim players, its the fault of their society. It was the same situation in Nazi Germany, people hated Jews because they were "bad" or "evil" but a lot of that hate stemmed from the society in which they lived. No, I'm not saying its right but you can not single out people. They are afraid rather than angry, they fear different like everyone else and media does not help the fear of different. If we travel the world there are people who hate America for simply being America but it stems from their society. This is kind of a ramble and hodge podge of ideas but its what I've gathered from the world. I really hope someone understands what I'm trying to say xD
    ChrisFlareon, jkrmnj and warlockmii like this.
  2. I see the edit you added and that seems good. The only thing is that you are trying to make a generalization of a massive group (The EMC community) based on the actions of a few that your friends practically baited into saying things that they would have kept to themselves. Given that we allow pretty much anyone into the server, I don't see how you can be surprised at what you found. When a server hopes to include everyone, people with conflicting (and possibly insulting) opinions will be allowed in. As long as they don't break any rules, they can stay. These players wouldn't have expressed the anti-Islamic views if they weren't baited. The main thing I am pointing out is the interpretation of the data you provide right above the edit.
  3. Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

    Yes, there are people who have extreme religious bias, but do not judge a large group of people based on it. This project is somewhat ironic, since It shows the vice versa of what people think of Islam. Some people think all Muslims are terrorists, and this portrays that the EMC community as a whole is hateful. Not all (infact the majority of islam) isn't radical, and the majority of people are not hateful.

    I have no doubt that under normal circumstances, the community is supportive of all kinds of people.
    TechNinja_42, sambish20, 607 and 11 others like this.
  4. OK, I may be late to this party but I'd like to add my 2 cents. .. so here goes.
    I'm sure this has been said in various ways already but I'm gonna say it anyway. What you are saying and accusing EMC of being anti-Islamic based on only a couple of people and is a load bull. You never came to my res or talked to me or other friends here on emc that are not Islamic in faith have no problems with anyone else believing and practicing their beliefs. When we can start to focus on the things we DO have in common instead of the ways we may be different and exploiting that difference then we can start doing away with the hate. What you are doing is only helping to divide. I'm not sure that's what you're wanting to do and if not then please rethink how you would do things to emc the hate and misinformation that places like fox news perpetuate. Hate and fear of others is a great way to control people. Once we see that we really are striving for the same thing, just using different verbage, then maybe we can stop letting someone else pull the strings on how we treat some one who just wants what we want for ourselves... to be who we are.
    You have taken what a couple of players have said and made a judgement against the whole server and the people who make up it's wonderful and diverse community.. a community of people from all over the world with so many different beliefs, religions, ways of life, and personalities yet we are a community that looks after one another, albeit there are times that may fall short, but we are human and make mistakes.
    This might have even been valid had you taken even a 20% sample of the over 3000 (I believe) players who come here to play and 'see' their friends and even family.

    Just an fyi.. I practice one 'religion' .. my own. I've taken what I need from several but the basis is as such --> Every person has an inherent worth and dignity.


    ps- namaste (coming from sanskrit) loosely translated means - 'The divine in me honors the divine in you'. It is one of my very favorite practices.

    Thank you for reading this far. I apologize for any spelling I messed up or maybe a word that may be missing. (I've reread it and didn't find any but I tend to add them in as I go in my head. lol)
  5. Okay... Does anyone watch The West Wing? (of the white house)

    This is a quote from that show. "Muslim extremists are to Islam as ____ is to Christianity."

    Can you guess what the blank stands for?

    You guessed it. The Ku Klux Klan.

    Even with all the bias/unreliability of this experiment, I am surprised at some of the replies here. While I am not absolute best friends with any strong Muslims, I do know some. (I live in an area where there are not very many Muslims). I am a strong Catholic (even though I share most views on controversial matters with Evangelical Presbyterians) and have nothing against Muslims. I am part of the "silent majority." The reason that everyone thinks that all Christians are against Islam and LGBT related things is because the ones who are are extremely loud about it. Everyone else doesn't care enough to speak up.

    I was surprised however, as I said earlier, with some of the replies to this thread.

    I don't know why you said the word "White" in that sentence. Or "Americans." or that entire sentence for that matter. It is true that ISIS only currently recruits Muslims. Whether they are White or American has nothing to do with it.

    Can't disagree with him there. For the past decade or two there have been a disproportionate number of violent outbreaks in the middle east area. If I must, I will name a few:

    - Iraq invading Kuwait
    - Israel vs neighboring countries
    - The US occupying Iraq, Afghanistan.
    - I could never leave out all the violence associated with ISIS.

    No wonder they consider the middle east a war zone, I would have to agree with them.

    Well, the calendar the majority of the world uses (gregorian) is according to when most Christians believe he did so. In fact the term (only recently retired by the US government) AD means that literally. Anno domini means "The year of our Lord." However, that statement WAS largely inaccurate. If my memory serves me correctly (from sixth grade history, four years ago) the crusades were conducted over a thousand years later than that and we're not associated with Rome. They were conducted by the church in order to "Take back the Holy Land." They were largely popular because the church offered a false "ticket to Heaven" to anyone who died in battle. So anyways I don't see why that statement was wrong.

    Arabic has nothing to do with Islam. Arabic is only the language of most of the middle east. Only about 20% of the world's Muslims live in the middle east. And anyways, speaking any language other than English in town chat is illegal on EMC.


    That is an extremely discriminatory comment. Very few of the world's Muslims are actually related to any type of crime whatsoever. I cannot believe you said that. I was disagreeing with warlockmii but then I saw that. ;-;
    607 and crystaldragon13 like this.
  6. Take it from someone who has recently become self-conscious about posting anything: getting hung up on spelling and grammar is mostly pointless. You don't want to use texting lingo on a post, but do not worry too much about the occasional mind-fart. Your post is great :)
    607, Phelps4, boozle628 and 1 other person like this.
  7. It's better than some other mods. That's for sure.
    EffinBatman likes this.
  8. Hey, I resent that! :/
  9. Don't know about what happens in the states, but over here a lot of people are xenophobic towards Muslims (Members of the Jewish community have it worse, although that's mainly a North England thing) and racist towards Middle Easterners (aswell as people from Eastern Europe... ). I have seen it both with my own eyes and through the media, and a lot of the political parties here, including the Tories (who are currently in power), want to stop them getting into the country and make life harder for those already here that they can't legally deport without violating human right's laws. It is not a problem overemphasized by news networks and its a very real problem.
  10. I will so be using this later, freaking brilliant!

    I believe what you quoted was my response to something about ISIS. Not muslims, bigotry or racism per se.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  11. And the biggest issue that arises from this, is that people believe this. You'll only ever hear of a crime committed by a Muslim person, when it is committed because of their beliefs. So therefore, to you, 100% of crimes committed by muslim people are committed because of their belief, which is wrong. They are not typically committed on religious grounds, but occasionally.

    And another thing, what leads most of these people to become misled and to interpret their religious readings as saying that they should commit a crime? It's because they've become alienated from society because their religion is misunderstood and people make comments like the one I'm quoting.
    PenguinDJ, jkjkjk182, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. You (and/or your friends) poked a snake, then shouted "See?! Hostility!" when it curled up and hissed at you.
    There is nothing valid to be gained from this "study" and pretending otherwise is both silly and embarrassing.
  13. Perhaps, but there are two big things I don't agree with: you seem to generalize a lot here, trying a few people and then just assuming pretty much everyone from EMC is like that. And I think you didn't really do the experiment in a very reliable way. You seemed to do the experiment trying to get the result you wanted, which skews the results. Reading Krysyy's post only confirmed that thought of mine.
    Deadmaster98 and jkrmnj like this.
  14. In sociology, the branch of science in which you are attempting to use for this, there are a couple rules for an experiment to be ethical and valid. Some of these are: 1, the subjects must be willingly involved, and in full knowledge of the experiment. 2, there must be a control and a test group (as with every science, this is the case). 3, the person doing the experiment must not let personal expectations or biases influence the data collected, or the distribution of said data (meaning that all results are made public, not just the "exciting" ones). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I fail to see even one of these rules fulfilled.
    Olaf_C, PenguinDJ, Kephras and 4 others like this.
  15. There are so many things wrong with this "experiment," I could literally write a thesis on it. However, I will reserve my thesis for another time.

    I will say this: BK is right, none of those requirements above have been met. Not only that, but wouldn't a double blind "experiment" have worked better (which is a non-sequitur to begin with because we all know that the author of the thread isn't an authority in any field. Just someone who wanted to conduct a mostly misguided and uneducated "experiment" within an extremely small community)?

    For those of you who don't know,

    "A double blind experiment is an experimental method used to ensure impartiality, and avoid errors arising from bias.
    It is very easy for a researcher, even subconsciously, to influence experimental observations, especially in behavioral science, so this method provides an extra check.
    For example, imagine that a company is asking consumers for opinions about its products, using a survey.
    There is a distinct danger that the interviewer may subconsciously emphasize the company's products when asking the questions. This is the major reason why market research companies generally prefer to use computers, and double blind experiments, for gathering important data."

    Once again, I am sort of pointing out the obvious. This was not a real experiment. I could contact 20 people in the EMC community and ask them if "they like parkour," and post my findings in a thread. The results would basically be the same as seen here, but the subject matter wouldn't be as controversial.....

    PenguinDJ, ChickenDice, 607 and 6 others like this.