A possible idea to fix lag

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JackBiggin, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. But if only mods or other staff could do this, it would be a great addition!
    JabrZer0, JackBiggin and PThagaard like this.
  2. That is very very true PT. Possibly, a max amount of people to reboot? Also, you're the expert so mind answering a little question: is there and way for Bukkit to detect how long a tick takes? Possibly only activate when it's running a certain slowness. Also, implementing a cooldown on reboots could be a solution. One every hour possibly? Obviously, players wouldn't be shown how long until the cooldown ends and there wouldn't be a reboot every hour so I can see this possibly working.
  3. Or possibly mods, staff and trusted members? (as decided by staff members)
    PThagaard likes this.
  4. I could care less about the 12 year olds as they are not allowed on here anyway. Minimum age is suppose to be 13!
    I have seen lots of 14yr olds that act very mature on here and a BOAT load that are NOT! So there in lies the problem. How to weed out the bad.

    As history is proving here 4 good servers are better than 9.
    (I did not include Utopia because it is limited by being a Gold/Diamond supporter to live there!)

    Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm done and still think your guys are dreaming if you think that Justin and ICC are going to let a random vote reset servers.
    I've seen that in action and it sucks.
    PThagaard likes this.
  5. I agree the idea in theory is a good sounding one and we have gone over the theory of it in the past. It would not work for a lot of reasons, some technical and some not so technical (including thousands of variables that could mess it up and leave it open for abuse). Again, not shooting down your idea and it is appreciated...just letting you know it's been explored and sadly has more bad than good involved with it for those that would use it incorrectly.
    Qwertyip and JackBiggin like this.
  6. You sound like one of those hateful old men who sits on his porch all day screaming at the kids to get off his lawn. Your suggestion of "Free members should get three months and that's it" Is unfair. There are adults on these servers like myself who don't have the funds to pay to donate each month. Some may be able to pay for at least one or two months then find themselves in predicaments where they're unable to pay for a month or two because of things that happen like losing a job or sickness or whatnot. Some live in countries where they don't have a valid payment option to pay for a membership. What if they have to be gone for months at a time?
    jkjkjk182, Omeletrice and Runewulf like this.
  7. Well I'm a big fan of Clint Eastwood movies! :D
    I'm sure as heck not a LIBERAL. You keep harping on the not able to pay supporter for a few months Well unless a SMP runs out of open lots I HIGHLY doubt any lot will be reclaimed by the staff with power to do so. Especially if you contact them with your plight!
  8. Please remember to play nice guys. We all have differing opinions. Let's respect everyone's.
    JabrZer0 and chickeneer like this.
  9. Sorry but I am old and kinda gruff. I really don't mean to hurt feelings ..much. :p
  10. Rick-Perry-Guns.jpg
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. I completely agree with you. Having lag is infinitly better than having no free members. Even if the rule was "free players can only play for 23 hours a day" i would still be against it, because free players are the core of EMC. They deserve all the same time access rights as the paying members do (minus the reserved slot, but that isnt a time restriction). I would never play on a server that has a limited time that free players could play until they have to pay, because that shows they only care about paying members. The great part about EMC is that the creators care about everyone, but more importantly, they care about everyone equally. My speech is done, i just couldnt let non-supporters get bashed, because that isnt right:( My name is gold, but that doesnt mean im better anyone else, and that goes for all supporters of any paying level! Everyone on EMC is equal, well, minus griefers, but other than them everyone (paying or not) deserves the right to stay here as long as they want!
    PandasEatRamen likes this.