[A.M.A.] w/ prizes for 3rd year on EMC !!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KatydidBuild, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. Congrats on 3 years, Katy! It's been wonderful having you around. :)

    1. Have you read the Harry Potter series? If so, which book is your favorite?
    2. Frogs? :D
    3. What do you enjoy the most about running a shop on EMC?
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  2. If you could choose any small animal to be enlarged to the size of an elephant, what would it be? And why this animal?

    Congratz on the 3 years :D
    607 likes this.
  3. Sorcerer's stone - the first one was chock full of mystery, something around the corner and "the beginning" of the story.

    Frogs yes. Turtles maybe more - I watched a live sea turtle on a Florida beach one night, she dug a little bit and then left without making a nest, but it was really really fantastic to be nearby.

    The shop, when a player comes in and buys something and says "oh great you had stock" and then after another player comes along and "fantastic that you had room for me to sell". It is the best scenario.
    607 and MoreMoople like this.
  4. Hummingbird, dragonfly, ladybug, bee, lizard.

    Tinkerbell and the other fairies have it right. Can you imagine the commute on one of those?!? Fantastic.
    And the lizard is obvious - dragons!
    607 and Allicanto like this.
  5. Need to push the drawing for prizes until Sunday same time.
    Not happening today.
  6. "Prizes: There are 3 heads up for giveaway prizes. Special heads with this special skin - head bandage, hospital bracelet and knee bandage. [fyi- the knee was a bruise that has healed and the concussion is healing well, doing fine.] Prizes will be awarded by webby random number chooser - the post number will be used for entry number. a word of caution: the letters 'bruh' in that order, do not make a word. therefore they will invalidate any post attempting to ask a question and therefore cannot win a prize.
    Prizes will be awarded on October 23rd. when I am online and I will announce it in chat and here. Likely an afternoon/evening hour (emc time)"

    random.org has picked:

    16 - fadedmartian

    (discounting the 11 it chose as mine)

    3 - merekshadower

    5 - AncientTower

    Gonna mail the 3 Heads to winners and rupees to the others who posted questions!
    607, SkeleTin007 and Merek_Shadower like this.
  7. Wow! Thanks for giveaway and Congrats to all those chosen and to all that played. I also want to Congratulate you again on 3 years Katy!!!
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. Non-head winners were paid 10k rupees. Check your logs. Don't believe I missed anyone.
    Fred_TWK likes this.
  9. Thank you! :)
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  10. Thank you for the Head! Congrats on 3 years!!! Love seeing all you've for done for everyone on EMC! The head is extra special for me right now because I am going through a lot of Dr. appointments and surgeries. The bandages, Hospital bracelet and Knee bandage are relevant to me at the moment.

    Thanks again and congrats!!
    607 and KatydidBuild like this.
  11. Sorry to bump this (no red text yet though!), but I had stopped getting alerts from this!
    I enjoyed reading your answers to the last few questions. :)
    And congrats to the winners of the unique heads!
    I hope you are better now!
  12. Feeling much much better now. It's been a little over a month now and happy to be past it.

    Still joking about the garage being a hard hat area for me ofc 😅
    607 and Merek_Shadower like this.