8 Years!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Acemox2k, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. How did that happen? 8 year trophy for being on the forums was quite a surprise. I really had frogotten about those kind of things. I have had the hardest time trying to be at an event for years. I was at the last Birthday party but i missed the photo because i was stuck in the Honey trap at the moment lol and by chance I was at my residence and looked on the map (smp 1 town) and there was a party going on a couple of doors down at the grave yard so I crashed the party.

    I mostly have spent the last few years wandering the frontier of smp 1 and working on my Empire outpost and an underground rail to get there. This is my first underground rail and now realize the huge undertaking it is to cut a rail that far underground. I have not seen another player in the wild or frontier for so many years i cant even remember when that was. Its like living in a world alone and watching ghostly messages on the chat from the other smp lands.

    I have been in town for a few weeks but Its like roaming a ghost town of residences and malls that are hit and miss if they are stocked with the premium stuff, not just wood and stone. Hearing ab0ut tens of thousands of registerd players and wondering where they all are? Perhaps there is a maxed out server out there or a time of day where its just hopin. Anyway, Just a shout out Because I Am Still Here Busting Blocks!

    Many thanks to Aikar AND our hard working staff! Without these fine people I would not have a residence covered with craziness in homage to EMC. While They might not remember me in the sea of crafters, even the mighty Ace has had need to call upon the powers that be for advice and/or assistance. So, truly this is a shout out of thank you to the staff for putting up with me for 8 years, THANK YOU!