Use the lazer gun to break the building down until I reached a hight safe enuf to jump (My imagintation is limited(And so are my spelling abilities))
Roll out from under door, hold breath, smash window, dive out of window, barrel roll when i hit ground.
Is there a fire extinguisher? Do I have a bottle of water? Is there leaves on a tree that I can grasp onto? Will my future self be saved with me picking up the laser gun and burning the crab? Do I have flame resistant clothes on? How much can I pick up?
GAME CHANGER: If you survive, you a trapped in a paradox, always saving yourself from yourself in the future, by going to the past, and then rewriting future history into the past.
GAME CHANGER: The Building is still going to collapse however firefighters have contained the fire so far. You have an additional 50 seconds to survive.