50,000 R Give Away

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by lavaman1220, Sep 22, 2014.

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  1. Since you picked a number already taken, I made you 48
  2. I made you 56 because 55 is taken
  3. It's still going
  4. Since 55 is taken you'll be 60
  5. 9 Slots available!!!
  6. when i looked it wasn't :p but that will do :p thanks
  7. Yea the guy above you had got it before you
    607 likes this.
  8. I said it first :3
  9. If any number is still open il take it
  10. Same
  11. I'll take 90!
  12. Is the winner already decided? :)
  13. 75 if not and thank you!
  14. You entered me in twice lol.
  15. 82?
    Thanks! So many generous people on EMC.
  16. The thing ended Thursday, forgot to get the thing closed. The winner will be pm'ed
  17. Here's the winner (sheisnice)

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