3D MegaBuild: My Kirby

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by TheRocketSurgeon, Feb 9, 2013.


Did you visit my Kirby? And did you like it?

Did not visit 13 vote(s) 40.6%
Visited, I liked it 2 vote(s) 6.3%
Visited, I loved it 14 vote(s) 43.8%
Visited, it's okay 1 vote(s) 3.1%
Visited, did not like it 1 vote(s) 3.1%
Visited, hated it 1 vote(s) 3.1%
  1. Looks awesome :D Now you just need a mechaknight to go with it :p
  2. Can't tell if sarcasm or compliment :p

    Oh dear gods that would be hard...

    I've been working on it for 2 weeks but this past weekend I had a really insane work ethic and just got it done

    Also, for whoever voted that they hated it, please explain why exactly you hated it.
  3. It was a compliment :3
  4. looking at who voted that, I would recommend not asking, as I don't think you will get a nice reply
    jamesg003 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. Wait how can you see who voted what?
  6. "View Results" right next to "Cast Your Vote"?
  7. Lol yeah I found it.
  8. Awesome! I'm a big Kirby fan ^_^
    DogsRNice and 333kirby like this.
  9. I would like the above comment an infinite # of times if possible
  10. Nice creation, Kirby. I will have to drop by.
  11. Thanks!
  12. How do people not like this pink ball of puff?
  13. Well done Kirby :) I couldnt have build it myself as I'm to busy on other prjects and you did a good job on it :) I hope you enjoy it alot.

    For anyone who wonders how this was designed. I used McEdit as this makes it very easy.

    The basic was a huge sphere which can be created just like this. Next was the mouth. I created a circle which was big enough and then I cut out a whole like the circle, just with the slope of the sphere. To make it look more plastic I added a second sphere in the big one just 2 blocks smaller.

    The hands and feets are just long spheres too. I just shifted some layers 1 by 1.
    The tongue is a sphere too as you can see, so only eyes and we are done :) Those simple designs are a nice start if you liketo try your wool artist 3d skills :)