3 Year AMA - Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Roslyn, Nov 30, 2014.


Additional DP?

What do you even have to drop? 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Wait till christmas for the Christmas Secret Santa Giveaway? 19 vote(s) 86.4%
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  1. Stuff is doing okay :DD Come visit sometime!
    Chocolate Banana Crepes.

    Wow, happy three years!
    For the spoiler, put:

    (insert all the numbers here)

    How did you find out about EMC? And I'll take 33 please.
    Dankies for Spoiler and I found EMC through MCSL when the site was in its early derpy looking stages and EMC had a tag somewhere on there. Economy! was the catch for me. Was very small and ICC and Justin were running the operation then. Good times but my god the ban reasons there were insane IE FaustLauncher.
    Either a Lamborghini or a Maserati
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. i want numbuh 78!

    where is batman!? no, seriously, do you love batman or what man? :p
    southpark347 likes this.
  3. I like Batman as a good character but do not love him xD
  4. Why are you alone in your room? (from his location on his profile)

    #13 please!
    southpark347 likes this.
  5. 37 plz :D. Favorite metal band?
    southpark347 likes this.
  6. 28 please, I can't believe some are already hitting 3 years!
    What has captured your interest on EMC to have you stay this long?
    southpark347 likes this.
  7. Haha its a long long depressive story.
    The community has.
  8. 23
    southpark347 likes this.
  9. Wow three years! Nice :)

    I'll take number 11.

    What sword do you carry around EMC? (enchants)
    southpark347 likes this.
  10. 31, favourite promo.
    southpark347 likes this.
  11. Basically a maxed out Sharpness V sword and a secondary one without Knock Back II
    Cupid's Bow <3
  12. 3 years... and i thought i was old. how many bosses have you fought? 19 please
    southpark347 likes this.
  13. 26 please. Dogs or cats? Also congrats on huge milestone!
    southpark347 likes this.
  14. Too many to count (literally).
    Hmm I've only ever had dogs but I love cats. =^.^=
  15. Ill throw my hat into the ring.

    What is it you do to occupy your time while you wait for the 1.8 update for the server?

    Also #70
    southpark347 likes this.
  16. I run around with Khixan and Georgeashington on Smp8 xD They are the greatest <3
  17. 49. What is your favorite Pokémon?
    southpark347 likes this.
  18. Big Carl (What I named my Snorlax)
  19. 69 and 5up
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