2nd New Republic Military

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by lukafolz, May 4, 2014.

  1. I'm also hiring a Neorepopolis Colonel!
  2. Im gona make field marshall's for each server
  3. Smp9 is the capitol so plz join that 1
  4. Lukafolz,I am NOT allowing that without 3/4 of the GDAs vote.
    It is part of the CONSTITUTION that Generals are for each server.
  5. May I ask who the gda is and surely cuz I'm the minister of defence I can do what I like military wise
  6. If not il try makeing up another rank
  7. Generals are on each server.
    Field Marshall is in charge of the entire operation.
  8. Grand Democratic Assembly, and no, you can't.
  9. ohh k thx may i ask when this meeting was?
  10. Sent you a conversation of my "application."
  11. Woah,Lukafolz,I would like to make a point.
    Captain's lead squads.
    There needs to be a Outpost,for there to be a Colonel,for there to be a squad.
    Get it?
    If NathanRP is moved to being a SMP9 Captain or SMP7 Captain,that would be great.
    And BTW,please put naval positions.
    Also,Golddigger221 is SMP7 General.
    Now,please contact me before assigning positions,and add me to Convo Applications.
  12. I thought u already had the outposts sorted sorry
  13. Btw Nathan has applied to be smp6 he's only on smp9. Cuz u ain't built it yet
  14. Promote him to SMP6 General.
  15. And no SMP4 Field Marshall.
  16. I believe I changed that so tricksh0t5 was deputy general
  17. Errrm,no Deputy General for a number of reasons.
    He can be meerkat's ASSISTANT though.
    And change NathanRP to SMP6 General,and remove SMP4 Field Marshall.
  18. Is this really well-organised?