
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 29672057602, Dec 26, 2017.


Is EMC unique?

Yuh 14 vote(s) 100.0%
Nuh 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Woo wee! It’s been a big year for EMC! Changes everywhere with it being new voter rewards, a new tutorial, even having 500k people joining plus even more updates!

    This thread is about telling everyone what your favourite part about EMC this year, anything EMC related! You could include screenshots, heck even videos! You got a whole paragraph about different updates this year? This is the place! So don’t be shy ;)

    My favourite part about EMC this year is the release of the games server, I do definitely enjoy the parkour (Gives me more ideas). Even though I haven’t played every game yet nor completed any of them I still look forward to them!

    Now I just can’t wait what surprises the staff team have planned for next year!

    (Note: I’ll edit this when I wake up tomorrow)
  2. My favorite part of EMC is the community, I can't say I've ever been a part of any other minecraft server for almost 5 years lol.

    Yes you of course get the odd pleb log in and start cursing and screaming, however you get that and much worse on many other minecraft servers. I've met some friends for life on EMC, some I've even had the honour of meeting outside of EMC which again is pretty awesome in my opinion.
  3. I think the EMC events have hit a new level again this year. Starting with the incredible Easter event and going through the most current Skyfrost event. Eviltoade and the build team have done an exceptional job. Again making this the best Minecraft server in all the galaxy. Can't wait to see what 2018 brings.
  4. I started playing EMC as a way to connect with my son when he was at his dads house. We we're on a different server prior to this one and it was shut down. We were homeless, living in a virtual cardboard box...lol. I was determined to find another server we could use that had many of the same attributes as the former. I did a little searching and found this server that looked ok, I logged in to a tutorial of all things (like really? I need a whole tutorial to be in this server???) and can still remember the first time I saw a Momo. I got kind of excited! I yelled to DJMC02 "Hey look at this thing"!!!
    Welp, fast forward to today. We have so many friends we would have never had before. I'm so grateful for all of them and I'm definitely grateful for this server!!! Thank you EMC!
  5. Don’t be shy :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. but but but
  7. Psh there has to be more!

  8. I joined EMC this year. No other explanation needed.
    607, crystaldragon13 and Theomglover like this.
  9. I did a neat event. People seemed to like it.
    Theomglover and crystaldragon13 like this.
  10. EMC. My favorite part... must be the C. Yep. Its nice... curvy.. not so sharp... Sits on the right side. Just lovely.

    Ok. Kidding a bit

    Still like the C.

    As in




    and so...

    Happy Holidays!
    607, Moonglum_, Theomglover and 2 others like this.
  11. I feel I've said this so many times before and at the risk of sounding like a broken record .. I love this server! I love greeting all the new potential friends and welcoming them to our beautiful community. I have made some wonderful friendships here and met people I'd never get a chance to met otherwise. I love that Aikar has made EMC a community safe for all people to just be here as they are. <3 I love the attention the players get via having a place for them to have their own awesome events featured on the calendar. I'm not tooting my own horn here but... I love the staff team.. All of them from the mods to the top dev. I feel they work hard to bring in new and exciting things for us to do and experience. I love that we get a voice in the process by being asked to vote on what we as a community wanted Aikar and the dev team to work on next. Look at our forums. We have a plethora of ways in which we can reach out and express ourselves. I love that we have rules to follow and a way to keep even the most reserved and shy person free from bullying and nastyness that runs rampant on other servers/forums. I know there's so much more I've missed but no need for a book to be written just to say how much I love it here. EMC means more than I could say in so many ways and has been here for me when I needed it the most. Lastly but certainly not the least .. I love being a mod and having the chance to help a player new or otherwise cause sometimes a helping hand or a simple hello is all it takes to turn someones day completely around. lol.. all that just to say I love EMC. <3
    607 and Theomglover like this.
  12. Hopefully dragon tombs and empires are released next year :)
    Sydney4363 likes this.