Hello EMC, I am currently building an Enchantment Store at 14362, SMP 7. Front View Side View As you can see by the images above, I still need heaps more material to finish the structure, so below are the materials I am buying and the prices. Grey Wool (Dark) - Buying up to 8 stacks - 80 rupees each stack. White Wool - Buying up to 4 stacks - 80 rupees each stack. Glowstone - Buying up to 1 stack - 18 rupees each block. Leaves (Oak) - Buying up to 2 stacks - 25 rupees each stack. Donations are also accepted! If you have made a donation, please contact me - You will not be forgotten!
I can sell you Glowstone 15r per Come to 19091 on SMP9 and I will set up an access chest with one stack, just pay me when you can
Alright! That would be great! I am using Faithful 32x32, plus the Shaders Mod (Don't worry, I don't build with the Shaders Mod on . I just get a bit picky in bad quality pictures.
I can supply you with all the white wool you need. I'll set up and access chest at 3515 once I see the money on my rupees page
Well, I can buy 1 stack of each of you. So Death, if you're still happy with selling them for free, that's fine with me! Alright! I'll pay straight away!