1 Mending + Infinity God Bow!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cam7051, Jun 12, 2017.


What should I auction next?

Poll closed Jun 19, 2017.
Lucky Bow 4 vote(s) 21.1%
Mineral Mincer 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2017 Aikar Signature 8 vote(s) 42.1%
Mineral Mincer 0 vote(s) 0.0%
2014 Avalauncher 7 vote(s) 36.8%
  1. (uncraftable) God Bow with the following enchants:

    Unbreaking III
    Power V
    Punch II

    Starting Bid: 1000
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1000
    Auction Ending time: 48 Hours after last valid Bid
    Auction Pickup: I'll mail
    Happy Bidding! :)
  2. I shall start it! :p

    cam7051 likes this.
  3. 5k pew pew pew
    cam7051 likes this.
  4. 20Kr *MINE*
    cam7051 likes this.
  5. 25k!

    my shiney! gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme a bow after midnight!! ^.^
    cam7051 likes this.
  6. 33,333 rupees
    cam7051 likes this.
  7. 36k. say cam i do hope it comes gift wrapped ^.^
    cam7051 likes this.
  8. 39000r
    cam7051 likes this.
  9. 51Kr I siad it was mine, why do people still argue it isn't?
    cam7051 likes this.
  10. 55k, ladies 1st! ^.^
    ChespinLover77 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. careful 4 invalid bids. 56r is way 2 low. im pretent u bid 56k
