1.13 (not a "when is it ready thread?")

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AbyssalxVoid, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. EVERYONE!!!(please take time to read :))


    What are you excited for coming in the new update? anyone have plans for their base/res since so many blocks and new things are coming out? Also when it finally drops (whenever our master :aikar: gets it working to emc's standard) I will need a few peoples help that (about 4 or 5 people in all) consider themselves pretty decent at recreating natural environments found in minecraft. Yes, you will. If you're wondering whether or not you will be compensated for this. (not promos most likely but special items or rupes none the less.)

    If you know anyone that could help or would like to help then please send them to this thread or to my inbox i would really really appreciate it.

    Below i will post pictures of what i am talking about so you can better understand:

    This is what i have been working on since i joined EMC a few months ago, I hope you all like it, let me know what you think good or bad! I like criticism.
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  2. Pictures of my res areas and what i need help with (if you dont want to read/see the pointless stuff scroll to the bottom of the post at the last picture.

    Outside my res just so ya know what it looks like (this was just redone because i have a U G L Y unsymmetrical house before, that i built my first day on the server haha.

    First (kind of main) storage area

    Entrance to main storage (below other one)

    Another view of the pic above

    First and only promo room atm (will make another one on the wall i am looking at in the picture above, between the bottom floor and the top

    Behind the glass that you see will be cleared out all the way around of dirt probably about 10-11 blocks high or deep, then when the new items/blocks/mobs come out i will be needing a massive amount of the new blocks (all of them) to recreate the ocean floor all around so that is resembles a aquarium except i want it to look JUST like the ocean floor (think decorated massive fish bowl:p)

    And if my plan goes according then i will need someone to help gather materials and new mobs (that can be in town) obviously i will make it worth your while but this is why i need about 5 people to help me otherwise i will ruin my dreams and itll take me all year haha

    Another reason i wanted to post this is because someone (cant remember who atm) donated me all together just over 500k to help with a few of my projects and i have never shown them the progress, whoever it was just know that i also built my witch farm that you helped me out with XD

    I know this might be considered the wrong thread section because im talking about my build but only because it partains to the 1.13 update, anyways! the res number is 7717 on smp3, you will most likely not be able to get to the bottom floors to see everything pictured above if i am not on because i try to keep people from wondering around haha :p lemme know what you guys think or if you want to donate or help me out when the time comes.

    For the ones that help me i will make something in your honor to display so that everyone who sees the finished product knows who da real ones are.


    If a mod wants to move this thread to a more appropriate thread that is fine with me, thanks for taking the time to read all the way down here if ya did!
    ConductorConduit and Kabloofne like this.
  3. No one interested?
  4. OhMyGoshINeedTheBlocksLikeSrslyDudeINeedHelpICan'tHandleBeingWithoutNewBlocks

    Me, a person who likes building a TON, is always excited for new blocks :D
    I really REALLY hope the update comes on emc before October 28th, because that's when my Halloween event is. I was REALLY hoping I could use some of those, like the dead coral and maybe some fish in the river and ponds.

    If you want any help, I'll most likely be open after October 28th! :p
    Feel free to PM me with details if your open to it :)
    bravebob likes this.
  5. I love the idea that swimming is no longer painfully slow. I can now swim faster if I am in deep water, instead of slowly trudging through it, as with all versions prior to this release...
    ForeverMaster and 607 like this.
  6. I just need 1.13 mod support to help me out. Most of my inactive builds depend on that. When EMC does update I do plan to be a little more active ingame
    ForeverMaster and bravebob like this.