¿Algún Puertorriqueño o latino americano?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gap542, Aug 19, 2012.

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  1. Soy de Colombia Pero vivo en Australia
    I'm from Colombia but I live in Australia
  2. Spanish:

    A lo mejor estoy equivocado, pero yo creía que la raza eran rasgos genéticos de la persona, mientras que el lenguaje es algo aprendido, así que no comprendo cómo se podría ser racista con el lenguaje. Recuerdo que en la escuela enseñaban que la cultura sí incluía el lenguaje, las tradiciones, etc, pero creo que la raza era meramente genética; aunque repito, puedo estar equivocado.


    I might be wrong, but I thought race referred only to the genetic characteristics of the individual, while the language is a learned trait; so I don't understand how someone could be racist while speaking of languages. I remember in school they taught that culture did included language, traditions, etc; but I believe race is only genetic. Again, I could be wrong.
    NINJATTILA and Dwight5273 like this.
  3. It would be best to stick to english language in public forums please everyone, it makes it easier for the staff and members to read, moderate and participate in. :)
  4. El profesor es épica en español that means prof is epic in spanish
  5. That actually means something like: "she, the prof is heroic in spanish" I think you meant to say: "El prof es un as del español"
  6. stupid google translate i dont speak spanish
  7. Well,Could it be done as Yamanqui is doing? Posting In Spanish then adding a translation at the bottom in English?
  8. Google sucks translating.
  9. English:
    Hello people of EMC. Few people here speak Proper English such as myself. If you too speak this, please reply.
    Translated to Noob Speak:
    y00o guyz! I few and peopl enlish speak proper myself. if u 2 spek dis, reple.
  10. Acredito que quando a gente tenta usar 'google o tradutor', é tão desligado e faz a gente que tenta usá-lo parecem de ... mas mim pessoalmente odeio por necesidad traduzir tudo ao inglês quando normalmente digo espanhol ou português na minha própria casa.
    Creo que cuando la gente trata de usar 'google al traductor', es tan desconectado y hace la gente que trata de usarlo parecen de ... pero mí personalmente lamento necesidad traducir todo al inglés cuando normalmente digo el español o el portugués en mi propia casa.
    I believe that when people try using 'google translator', it is so off and makes the people trying to use it seem off ... but me personally i hate having to translate everything to English when i normally speak Spanish or Portuguese in my own home.
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