Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. haastregt
    Aww... Thanks man ;). These things somethimes just happen when I see/read something so bad, then I domt know what to day but just try and eventually I get to something like that. Lack of english words can be really in the way though :P
    Jun 29, 2015
  2. 607
    Yes, I know... when I had as many posts as you, I had the same problem... through thousands of posts written and many many thousands more posts read I've learnt quite a lot, though, and I'm now probably the best in English in my class!
    Jun 29, 2015
  3. 607
    The only thing I still need to improve on is speaking. I might need to get a better mic and join Mumble ^.^
    Jun 29, 2015
  4. haastregt
    I recently read an old post of me (like 2 years old) and I have to say, I was stunned how bad it was xD. But indeed speaking is really bad, because I dont use that alot.
    Jun 29, 2015
  5. 607
    I actually did now, I made a bookmark for it ;)
    And really, for posts like these, a few grammar/spelling mistakes don't matter a thing.
    Jun 30, 2015
  6. haastregt
    Thanks again! I really love that you show support for things like that :P, means alot to me.
    Jun 30, 2015