Comments on Profile Post by haastregt

  1. haastregt
    Sent out class at french because I forgot my books (?!?!), first time in 3 years...
    I came home and I went to do some homework and realize I have to read a whole book still (yeah this was my own fault)
    After that I had a little fight with my brother. He can really piss me off sometimes and he does it deliberately, and then my mother says I shouldnt be that annoying.
    Feb 17, 2015
  2. haastregt
    After that I fleed to my room but then realized that I have to go to somewhere because I sold something online and that guy wants to pick it up but he only says ''between 8 and 9PM'' and I just want time to do some things

    besides that, I am highly irritated and cant have much, I get into argument with everyone that I see,
    so I can't have much more sorry if I act annoying on EMC :(
    Feb 17, 2015
  3. 607
    I hope you'll have a good night and tomorrow will be a better day for you! :) Besides, I'm sure today also had good things happening.
    Feb 17, 2015
  4. haastregt
    I just cant have anything at these days, but I dont know why that is and that only makes it worse,

    Anyways I just woke up and I already feel better :)
    Feb 18, 2015