Comments on Profile Post by Gawadrolt

  1. ItsMeMatheus
    The Mob Arena is a place where you fight a bunch of random mobs trying to kill you and other players. If you die, you'll lose everything you're carrying, unless it's a soulbound item. If you win, you get all the drops.
    Feb 3, 2015
  2. ItsMeMatheus
    You should only bring what you're willing to lose, since it's highly likely that you will die. Musts are food, armor and a sword. There are also no items rounds, which you try to survive with your fists only, no items are allowed.
    Feb 3, 2015
  3. ItsMeMatheus
    Feb 3, 2015
  4. Gawadrolt
    thank you itsmematheus!
    Feb 3, 2015