Comments on Profile Post by Maxarias

  1. penfoldex
    Hey Max. It's going pretty well. Haven't really tried out the group chat update much, but the new items that I can collect… :D
    Sadly, iron armor and lag don't seem to be able to survive an enraged mob.
    Are you going around and saying hello to everyone? :P
    Jun 24, 2013
  2. Maxarias
    Pretty much - I love the community, so I like talking to everyone. =)

    Aikar plans on expanding more on some of the updates, so be prepared!
    Do you have a favorite mob/least favorite mob from the survival update yet?
    Jun 24, 2013
  3. penfoldex
    The community's probably the best part of EMC. :D

    Ooh, like more mobs?
    Hm…my favorite mob would probably be Momentus. Least favorite would be netherhounds but I haven't met the Marlix yet.
    Jun 24, 2013
  4. Maxarias
    My favorite is Netherhounds, and least favorite is Marlix. Netherhounds are super fast, but really easy to beat, where as.. Marlix has got to be the hardest.
    Jun 24, 2013
  5. penfoldex
    I find Netherhounds more of an annoyance when you're trying to get to somewhere in the nether quickly. Other than that, they're not too hard.
    Marlix can fly right?
    Jun 24, 2013
  6. Maxarias
    Yeah.. Nasty buggers - they can fly, and they're hard to hit.
    Jun 24, 2013
  7. penfoldex
    Well I suppose it makes the loot all the more worth it. ;)
    Jun 24, 2013
  8. Maxarias
    Yeah, it really does. His loot is ridiculously OP imo.. But I find it okay since it's really, really hard to get. =)
    Jun 24, 2013
  9. penfoldex
    Yeah, I can't even find him lol.
    Jun 24, 2013