Comments on Profile Post by Wanderton

  1. penfoldex
    Lol, hi! Welcome to EMC! I just started Dragon Cave, but it's fun! Feel free to PM me if you need help!
    Apr 20, 2013
  2. Wanderton
    Thanks!! I'll do that!
    Apr 20, 2013
  3. penfoldex
    Apr 20, 2013
  4. Wanderton
    Stumbled onto my first question haha. Can I create warp points? I'm pretty far out in the wilderness and I don't wanna lose my spot. I read the commands and didn't see anything like this listed but I thought I'd ask anyways, to be sure.
    Apr 20, 2013
  5. penfoldex
    Not in the wild unfortunately. :/
    You can use the live map to find your way back to town though. Here's a link:
    Click on the live map button for which server you are lost on and click on your name to see where you are. Then find your way home. Good luck!
    Apr 20, 2013
  6. Wanderton
    I'm currently using the live map. It's great!! I never found a server that had a working one.

    Too bad about no warps. Oh well. I'll just make my way back here when it's time to go. Thanks!
    Apr 20, 2013
  7. penfoldex
    Yup! Good luck (again)!
    Apr 20, 2013
  8. Wanderton
    Oh...I understand now. I can port to the wilderness anytime anywhere from town. But once in the wilderness I have to walk back and forth from the spawn point in order to get back to town. I'm not used to that, haha. No wonder I was finding lots of resources, not a lot of people walk because it's too far.
    Apr 20, 2013
  9. penfoldex
    Yeah lol. You might want to take a look at some wild outposts. I'm in quite a few of them, and most of them have an easy route back to town. (nether routes)
    Apr 20, 2013
  10. Wanderton
    Alright, I'll do that. Thanks again.
    Apr 20, 2013
  11. penfoldex
    Yup. :)
    If you need some help finding some, just let me know.
    Apr 20, 2013
  12. Wanderton
    I'm looking at the map and it looks like there's highways that people built that I can use to run quickly back home. Hopefully I won't have to run through hills and monsters lol, I'd be spending all my time running instead of playing.
    Apr 20, 2013
  13. penfoldex
    lol, which smp are you on?
    Apr 20, 2013
  14. Wanderton
    I'm on smp1. Wasn't sure which the best one was to join so I just joined that one lol
    Apr 20, 2013
  15. penfoldex
    Lol, I used to live there, but I've moved to smp5. That means I've got nothing to do on smp1, so I could hang out with you sometime if you want. :P
    Apr 20, 2013
  16. Wanderton
    Oh that sounds great!! I'll be online for another 30 mins. I'm currently in smp1 wilderness mining. Nothing good yet lol.
    Apr 20, 2013
  17. penfoldex
    I'll see if I can catch up to you!
    Apr 20, 2013
  18. Wanderton
    Hey!! I see you on but it won't let me talk to you. I was looking at other maps and saw a beautiful lot on smp#2. It's closer to spawn and a nice park they built.

    I'm trying to figure out how to get my things from server to server via the vault.
    Apr 21, 2013
  19. Wanderton
    Ooh, I see a plot on your server, plot 10099...that is near parks and spawn.
    Apr 21, 2013
  20. Wanderton
    Bah I changed my mind. I don't feel like moving all my junk to another server. Plus I like the vast open field that no one can build on behind my lot XDD It's great as an escape route in case of a zombie apocalypse.
    Apr 21, 2013
  21. penfoldex
    I was on smp1?
    Apr 21, 2013
  22. Wanderton
    Oh, xD no no, you were on smp#5 if I'm not mistaken. But when I tried talking to you from my server, smp#1, it kept saying player not found, or something like that. Probably because I was on a different server then you.
    Apr 22, 2013
  23. penfoldex
    Oh yeah…xD
    You can't talk cross-server. :P
    Apr 22, 2013
  24. Wanderton
    Bleh xD but that's understandable. I'm hopping on now but not for long. I have work again tonight.
    Apr 22, 2013
  25. penfoldex
    Yeah, I'm busy tonight as well.
    Apr 22, 2013
  26. Wanderton
    Ah, off work and full up on KFC. Just got back from a long day, time for some Minecraft!

    I'll tell you...either this server doesn't have many diamonds or diamonds got more rare to find. I've only found six since I started mining on Saturday.
    Apr 23, 2013
  27. penfoldex
    Well you'll have to go further out to find diamonds. I rarely come across them. I'd reccommend going mining for those on another server and then vaulting it over, so you can work on your res instead of having to keep going mining. Whatever you prefer.
    Apr 23, 2013
  28. Wanderton
    Hmm....I thought diamonds appeared on like...the 16th level or something? I've been using F3 but everything is much higher than the level people are saying to go on. Like they said level 16 is where diamonds spawn but on the server there's only level 1,000+...each step you take is another 1,000. So I've been mining on level 16, I doing it wrong?
    Apr 24, 2013
  29. penfoldex
    I have no idea, sorry…
    Apr 24, 2013
  30. Wanderton
    Okay, np!! I'll try to do your idea, go to another server and mine.
    Apr 24, 2013
  31. penfoldex
    Ok, cool. I just find it easier, personally.
    Apr 24, 2013
  32. Wanderton
    Do you know how to remove someone from your residence?
    Apr 27, 2013
  33. penfoldex
    /res pset [username] move false ;)
    Apr 27, 2013
  34. Wanderton
    Thanks!! There was a guy that used to own my land but he lost it because he never logged in. Well he wouldn't leave and was always in my way.
    Apr 29, 2013
  35. penfoldex
    Oh…that sucks. Glad you got that problem fixed. :D
    Apr 29, 2013