Comments on Profile Post by Hoi

  1. synth_apparition
    I want to stop changing it...but I like one profile picture for a day or a few hours, and then I don't like it so I change it again. But i've been using this one on some other sites for a few hours now and I like it, so this one should be here until atleast next week.
    Feb 17, 2013
  2. journeynaut
    I have this weird feeling; it feels like I am talking to myself.
    Feb 17, 2013
  3. synth_apparition
    Much to Pig's annoyance; I can change it if you want :P
    Feb 17, 2013
  4. journeynaut
    No you should keep it. We need more Madder Red avatars.
    Feb 17, 2013
  5. penfoldex
    Geez, thought you were Hylian for a second.
    Feb 17, 2013
  6. synth_apparition
    ^I thought that would happen :P
    Feb 17, 2013
  7. penfoldex
    >.< The impersonator falls for a profile picture somewhat similar to someone else's.
    Feb 17, 2013