Comments on Profile Post by penfoldex

  1. britbrit3197
    i cant remember if i buy from you or not
    xD I dont need it but i just like to have a lot of wool"
    all the store people get mad cuz i buy them out :D
    Feb 13, 2013
  2. britbrit3197
    >.> its probably me buying it just to let you know
    Feb 13, 2013
  3. britbrit3197
    <.< i dont feel bad if it is me
    Feb 13, 2013
  4. penfoldex
    It's not you. I'm on smp1.
    Feb 13, 2013
  5. britbrit3197
    xD yeah but for a while i had to go to servers 1 and 5 to get anything cheap because all of 7s shops closed down or were always out
    Feb 18, 2013
  6. penfoldex
    Yeah, but I would be able to see that you bought from me in my rupee history…:P
    Feb 19, 2013