I spend a lot of time doing original builds and thus I often encounter the same issues described here. It's completely normal to make mistakes, but the goal is to try to minimize those. It's especially cruel when you decide to edit/change plans on large scale projects. But WorldEdit makes this a breeze!!!
Nick - unfortunately some of this has already been built on EMC, so it's going to require some tear down and rebuilding from scratch :P Not a ton of rebuilding, but enough to be annoying!
Lol Socks - you know the pain! This probs will be much more than twice as much work as the original planned build...
No, trying to decide between SS service to just delete the existing build or tear it down myself :P It shouldn’t take too long to tear down manually, just a few evenings after work. The rebuild is going to be the long and difficult part, lol
Isn't this the reality of every build? They take forever and by the time good progress is made, I want everything to be different.. it's a tough process out there :( At least ik I'm not alone haha
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