Comments on Profile Post by MrSocks75

  1. Joy_the_Miner
    1,000% agree. I was up for 40 hours straight after the hour change. My first real night of sleep was last night!
    Nov 6, 2024
  2. chickeneer
    I get the mess up of people's sleep patterns, for why not to time change. But I really don't think time change has anything to do with it being dark. That's just winter.
    Nov 7, 2024
  3. MrSocks75
    The days most certainly do get shorter in the winter; the issue is that the actual time of day it gets dark out is earlier when we switch back to standard time. At the peak it will be dark at 4:30 instead of 5:30 if the time change didn't happen.
    Nov 7, 2024
  4. chickeneer
    Choice of priorities. Whether we want the beginning or end of the day to be more consistent
    Nov 7, 2024
  5. MrSocks75
    As someone that works in a medical office that has no windows (yeah, it sucks) I would prefer more daylight at the end of the day. As such I retract my comment about not changing the time again to just changing it back to saving times and then leaving it there.
    Nov 7, 2024