Comments on Profile Post by MrSocks75

  1. ThaKloned
    And thank you to you as well for contributing to all of OUR love for this place.
    Aug 16, 2024
  2. 607
    In a few _weeks_ you will be a _year_ older? How do you manage that? ;D
    Aug 17, 2024
  3. farmerguyson
    It's due to a time dialation event Mr Socks got caught up in, maybe intentially. I've been watching Andromeda with my son and that's how the crew zips through time.
    Aug 17, 2024
  4. MrSocks75
    Andromeda was such a great show.
    As for how I age a year in just a few weeks. That's a secret. 🤐
    Aug 17, 2024