Comments on Profile Post by aletrisrex

  1. crystaldragon13
    w1ther, my friend.. just because you want something a certain way does not make it the right way. EMC has grown to what it is thru lots of community interaction over a long time. Change is easier with a few but we are a community.. a VERY diverse community at that. You can't just jump in & change things using a sweeping brush. Communities just don't work that way hun.
    Jun 7, 2022
  2. aletrisrex
    there's tons of ppl who doesnt like feedback :/
    Jun 7, 2022
  3. Joy_the_Miner
    CD13 is absolutely right. EMC has come a long way to where it currently is. Change is a lot easier said than done. (Especially since the powers are not evenly spread out through the active staff members.) And no, you are incorrect. No one ever said your feedback is bad, rather we just stated the facts of what things currently are and how your ideas are too overly-ambitious for what EMC currently is.
    Jun 7, 2022
  4. aletrisrex
    so, what's emc idea suite most ppl right now?
    Jun 7, 2022
  5. aletrisrex
    i started a suvery (aka suvery about raise new player) but almost no one replies. Lemme create another which idea emc ppl wants most
    Jun 7, 2022
  6. aletrisrex