Comments on Profile Post by farmerguyson

  1. crystaldragon13
    cobbled deepslate unless you wanna silk it then rebreak it. I usually silk any other deepslate block like diamond, redstone, coal, etc. you can't change deepslate into anything but deepslate but cobbled can be used for stairs, slabes, etc. Hope that helped. =]
    Feb 1, 2022
  2. ThaKloned
    Deepslate is useless. Other then its own block form, you cannot change it into any other block without breaking it again without silk touch
    Feb 1, 2022
  3. farmerguyson
    Thank you for the comments. I'll start using a non-silk touch pickaxe while out mining DS. I haven't built with DS so I didn't know it needed to be cobbled.
    Feb 1, 2022
  4. ThaKloned
    Its a pain because you can't mine if fast at all :D
    Feb 1, 2022
  5. Nickblockmaster
    This is great to know, as I was unknowingly doing the same. Thank you all!
    Feb 1, 2022