Comments on Profile Post by ToddV

  1. ToddV
    I just want to say one more thing, thank you to the ones who shared their love and friendship on here. Thank you for a truly wonderful experience. Giving me hope to continue during my health challenges. Thank you for the prayers, the hopeful messages, and the great memories.
    Jun 11, 2021
  2. SteamingFire
    It was nice meeting you! I hope you enjoy the grander adventures to come!
    Jun 11, 2021
  3. liamwill
    Todd! You just came back and I was so excited, what happened?!? I am praying for your health and I hope to see you soon! Enjoy your summer ^^
    Jun 11, 2021
  4. Dufne
    I know we didn't interact much but it always sucks to see such a community pillar leaving for good :( hope to see you floating around in the future but I know it's sometimes better to step away from the server. wishing you the best. thank you for all your time here
    Jun 12, 2021